The CIO's Directive:

Align technology and business objectives.

CIOs responsible for digital transformation must strategically break down team silos so that company technology supports enterprise goals. IT teams that rapidly deploy cloud- and mobile-first technology accelerate excellent user experience, increase business agility, and improve security.  
REvolutionaries CIO

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Create tomorrow’s legacy the right way: Medtronic CIO Rashmi Kumar

As CIO of a 95,000-employee global producer of medical devices and therapies, tech leader Rashmi Kumar consistently challenges herself to “unlearn” and challenge the status quo to reach the highest levels of leadership success.

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From soap to chocolate to airplanes: A CIO’s journey

No stranger to change, Aeromexico CIO Fernando Rocha has been in the enterprise information technology driver’s seat, leading digital transformation across industries. In this discussion with host Ben Fanning, gain perspectives that can help you succeed, like building teams based not on experience but on a willingness to venture into the unknown to learn and develop.

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Industry briefing: Securing critical infrastructure for the digital age

Chief Information Security Officer and Deputy National Cyber Director Chris DeRusha, former CIO for the State of Wisconsin David Cagigal, and Zscaler EVP, Customer Experience & Transformation Kavitha Marriappan share insights from careers spanning the public and private sectors, focusing on a way forward for greater collaboration in maintaining the security of the critical assets that underpin our day-to-day lives.

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The evolving CIO mandate
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The evolving CIO mandate: New responsibilities and strategies

A CIO’s purview was once limited to the IT stack and how it supported business objectives. Today, CIOs are at the center of their data-driven orgs. They’re responsible for managing security and compliance risks that threaten overall business health and communicating them to the board and non-technical executives. The result? Evolving, specialized disciplines such as privacy, cybersecurity, mobility, and transformation strategy now fall to the CIO. This panel delves into the broadening CIO mandate and strategies for managing responsibilities beyond IT.

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To security and beyond: Zero trust as a business enabler
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To security and beyond: Zero trust as a business enabler

Spending on zero trust network access solutions is set to nearly double over the next three years. This being the case, vendors are scrambling to realign their offerings and, at times, disregard the core tenets of a zero trust architecture. In this discussion, our executive speakers welcome customers to outline key elements of a zero trust journey, highlight critical milestones, and see how real-world zero trust solutions can accelerate time to value during mergers and acquisitions.

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There are many benefits to be gained from connecting the physical world and the digital world, but they can only be realized by leveraging a proven and scalable security solution for a seamless user experience.
Hanna Hennig
Siemens AG

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Whenever you are starting a new journey
Hanna Hennig
CIO,Siemens AG
Whenever you are starting a new journey, you have to ensure your leaders are not acting as a group, but as a team.
Hanna Hennig
CIO,Siemens AG
Whenever you are starting a new journey, you have to ensure your leaders are not acting as a group, but as a team.
Hanna Hennig
CIO,Siemens AG
Whenever you are starting a new journey, you have to ensure your leaders are not acting as a group, but as a team.
Hanna Hennig
CIO,Siemens AG
Technology is often the easiest of the components of digital transformation. People, culture, and processes are the tougher elements to modify to fully digitalize the fabric of an enterprise.
Carlos Amésquita
CIO (former),American Multinational