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Before and after WannaCry | This week in cybersecurity

May 25, 2017 - 2 min read

Ukraine Deals with New Ransomware

A virulent ransomware strain called XData has gained momentum in Ukraine, surpassing WannaCry in infect in numbers. “That XData appears to target Ukraine specifically tempers some fears, but were it to spread globally it would potentially leave even more devastation than last week’s WannaCry mess,” writes WIRED. Read more.

NSA Tools Used Weeks Before WannaCry

Weeks before WannaCry, a more sophisticated, stealthier attacker was used the same NSA-engineered tools to infiltrate corporate networks across the world, including a publicly traded U.S. company. Read more.

More Yahoo Mail Flaws

Yahoo Mail has exposed tons of private user data over the years after failing to update a wide-used image processing software with critical vulnerabilities. Other popular services are also likely to be leaking sensitive information. Read more.


Target Breach Settlement

Target has to pay up $18.5 million to 47 states and DC in a settlement following its 2013 security, which exposed millions of customers. “The settlement ends a yearlong investigation into how hackers obtained names, credit card numbers and other information about tens of millions of people in 2013,” reports the NYT. Read more.

Trump Seeks Nearly $1 Billion for the DHS Cybersecurity Operations

“President Donald Trump May 23 requested $967 million to tackle cybersecurity issues that impact the government and U.S. companies in his fiscal 2018 budget request for the Department of Homeland Security,” reports Bloomberg. “The cybersecurity request is part of a $44.1 billion request for the department, approximately 4 percent more than it received in fiscal 2017.” Read more.

Senate Intelligence Committee Briefed on Kaspersky Labs

ABC News Reports, “Even with the Senate Intelligence Committee focused this week on its investigation of Russia's alleged meddling in last year's presidential election, the committee met behind closed doors today for a classified briefing from senior FBI and Homeland Security officials over another alleged threat emanating from Moscow: a major software company whose products are used widely across the United States.” Read more.

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