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There is no cloud-first architecture without the architect


If you search “cloud transformation” on Google, you’ll get no less than 200 million results. Given the frequency with which the term is bandied about every day on business and technology websites, 200 million sounds about right. While many vendors are talking about transformation and promoting it, few are providing the tools that network and security architects need to actually implement enterprise transformation.

While enterprises seek cloud agility, comprehensive security, and a competitive advantage in the digital era, the architects are the ones with the expertise to identify the right technologies and implementations to help enterprises achieve their goals.

Because of the architect’s central role in making enterprise cloud transformation possible, Zscaler has developed a program designed specifically to engage and support architects: The Cloud-First Architect.

For architects, by architects

The Cloud-First Architect program will include a variety of resources, such as use cases, design principles, best practices, reference architectures, and deep-dive virtual workshops for Zscaler Internet Access™ (ZIA™) and Zscaler Private Access™ (ZPA™). We’ll also pull in our technology partners and discuss technology integrations to ensure you have the most complete view of what it takes to transform network and security policy to make the most of the cloud.


There's a growing library of whiteboard videos on The Cloud First Architect site.

As you might expect, we will be focusing on the topics our architects, SEs, and product managers get asked about the most. They’ll share insights and best practices to help guide you through planning various aspects of your cloud strategy. Some of the issues they’ll tackle include scaling SSL/TLS, implementing a software-defined perimeter, and designing for a multi-cloud environment. You’ll be able to participate in discussions, ask questions, and submit topics for discussion. We will have a strong technical focus on design requirements, architecture options, and best practices for a cloud-first world, delivered through videos, reference architectures, webinars with live Q&A, and more.

Explore the site that’s more architecture, less marketecture

The Cloud-First Architect site is created for a technical audience and its content will grow continuously as new videos and resources are added, as discussion forums are established and expanded, and as the user community grows and contributes topics. We are also developing course materials for expert-level Cloud-First Architect certifications, which will be announced at a future date.

Zscaler technical teams have worked with thousands of architects specializing in infrastructure, networking, and security to help them on their cloud transformation journeys. Now, it’s your turn.

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Andy Logan is the Zscaler director of enablement and communities


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