Zscaler Deception

Extend zero trust with deception-based active defense

Zscaler Deception is the easy button for detecting and stopping sophisticated threats that target zero trust environments.


Attackers go after users and applications to compromise zero trust environments

There are two key tenets of zero trust network access—users and applications. Adversaries leverage these in their attacks. They compromise users to find targets and escalate privileges. And then they use that access to move laterally to applications where they exfiltrate, destroy, or encrypt information.

organizations suffer an identity attack. Users and apps are the new attack surface
of modern attacks are identity-driven making identities the no. 1 attack vector
of incidents don’t generate a security alert because attackers assume the user’s identity

Deception detects compromised users and lateral movement when other security controls fail

deploy decoys
Protect users and applications with decoys
Endpoint lures and decoy applications/servers/users/enterprise resources silently detect threats and attacker activity
alerts icon
Know when you have been compromised
Give your security team a detection control that doesn’t add to operational overhead and notifies them only of confirmed threats and breaches
attack paths icon
Divert attackers away from sensitive resources
Decoy applications and enterprise resources replace your attack surface with a fake attack surface to intercept attackers
Stop attacks and contain threats in real-time
Leverage Zero Trust Access Policies to dynamically limit or cut-off access to sensitive SaaS services and internal applications

Use Zscaler Deception to detect sophisticated threats that bypass existing defenses

Zscaler Deception™ further augments our comprehensive Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange™ platform by proactively luring, detecting, and intercepting the most sophisticated active attackers with decoys and false user paths.


Because our platform is cloud native, we can scale your deployment quickly and without disruption, adding a powerful layer of high-fidelity threat detection to your entire enterprise. 


Traditional perimeter-based security allows unconstrained lateral movement.

Zero trust

Directly connecting authorized users to the right applications eliminates the attack surface and lateral movement.

Zero trust with active defense

Deception technology intercepts advanced attackers and detects lateral movement with zero false positives.


Industry Leader in Deception Technology

Zscaler is a Leader for the second consecutive year in the 2023 GigaOm Radar for Deception Technology.

Use cases

A complete platform to serve your whole organization

Illustration of a man working on a computer and receiving a warning notification

Get early warning signals when sophisticated adversaries like organized ransomware operators or APT groups are scoping you out. Perimeter decoys detect stealthy pre-breach recon activities that often go unnoticed.

Illustration of a man being detected while trying to steal a computer

Deploy decoy passwords, cookies, sessions, bookmarks, and applications to detect compromised users when an attacker uses one of these deceptive assets.

Illustration of a laptop being used as a decoy under a box trap

Catch attackers who have bypassed traditional perimeter-based defenses and are trying to move laterally in your environment. Application decoys and endpoint lures intercept these adversaries and limit their ability to find targets or move laterally.

Illustration of a magnifying glass discovering a threat

Advanced adversaries are great at blending in with legitimate traffic to reach their objectives. Surround your high-value assets with decoys that detect and instantly block even the stealthiest and most sophisticated adversaries.

Illustration of a computer connected to the cloud

Decoys in the cloud, network, endpoints, and Active Directory act as landmines to detect ransomware at every stage of the kill chain. Simply having decoys in your environment limits ransomware’s ability to spread.

Illustration of a man being detected while trying to steal a computer

Unlike standalone deception tools, Zscaler Deception integrates seamlessly with the Zscaler platform and an ecosystem of third-party security tools such as SIEM, SOAR, and other SOC solutions to shut down active attackers with automated, rapid response actions.

Illustration of a computer with a lock on the screen and a man trying to access

Decoy web apps—resembling vulnerable testbed applications and remote access services like VPNs—intercept attackers using stolen credentials to log in.


Godrej: Threat detection and combating advanced attacks with the Zero Trust Exchange

“Using Deception as part of a zero trust architecture helps us become more resilient against advanced attacks and any kind of human-operated ransomware or supply chain kind of threats.”

—Satyavrat Mishra, AVP Corporate IT, Godrej Industries


Novelis: Preventing lateral movement with a zero trust architecture

“It's really opened our eyes and given us much more visibility into what's going on in our network. Definitely gives us an advantage to detecting, scanning, and lateral movement … things stand out and they're different, and you don't get constant alerts like you do with other tools.”

—Andy Abercrombie, CISO, Novelis


Deception in action: The top 10 real-world threats captured by Zscaler Deception

Aluminum cylinders
Woman working in a room with computers

Schedule a custom demo

Let our experts show you how Zscaler Deception intercepts and contains advanced attacks with real-time active defense.